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Mohawk College



모학 응용 예술 기술 대학(Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology)은 온타리오 주 해밀턴 에 위치한 응용 예술 기술 공립 대학입니다 . 1966년에 설립된 이 대학은 현재 해밀턴 산 의 Fennell 캠퍼스 , Stoney Creek 의 Marshall School of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship 캠퍼스 , McMaster University 의 Mohawk-McMaster 응용 보건 과학 연구소, 센터 등 5개의 주요 캠퍼스를 보유하고 있습니다. 항공 기술 캠퍼스 및 사립 직업 대학인 triOS 와 협력하여 Square One에 있는 Mississauga 캠퍼스가 있습니다.

해밀턴은 토론토 기준으로 남서쪽으로 한시간 내외로 갈 수 있으며, 모학컬리지가 위치한 중소도시입니다. 해밀턴 지역은 대형 병원들이 많아서 의료 산업이 발달되어있고, 바스코철강회사와도 연계가 되어있어 제조산업도 발달되어있으며, 철강산업으로 가장 많은 생산량을 차지하고있는 산업화도시입니다. 산업의 중심 도시이며, 명문대학교인 맥마스터대학교가 위치하기도하여 교육도시로도 유명하지요! 해밀턴 지역은 Public School Public Catholic School 우수한 공립 교육 시스템으로 자녀 교육 환경에도 최적화된 교육의 중심지라고 할 수 있습니다.

캐나다 자녀무상교육, 특히 토론토 온타리오주 자녀무상을 계획하시는 경우 해밀턴 지역은 지리적 접근성이 좋습니다 토론토, 나이아가라 및 미국 뉴욕주와 1시간 거리이기 때문에 주변 도시 접근성도 좋다는 장점이 있습니다. 해밀턴 지역도 렌트비와 물가가 저렴한 것은 아니지만, 토론토 대도시에 비해서는 저렴한 편이라 많은 분들이 선호하는 지역입니다.

학교 형태

공립 컬리지


동반자녀 무상교육

부모 중 한분이 컬리지에서 재학시 동반자녀들 모두 해밀턴 지역의 해밀턴-웬트워스 교육청과 해밀턴-웬트워스 카톨릭교육청의 소속 공립학교에서 무상교육 가능

연간 학비

입학신청비: 무료

수업료: 학과별로 상이, 홈페이지확인-click

의료보험 및 기타비용은 별도


-고졸이상, 최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서

-전공에 따라 에세이, 포트폴리오, 오디션, 입학시험 요구. 


① 공인영어점수( IELTS Academic,TOEFL iBT) 

② 대학 자체 시험 

③ 어학연수를 통해 조건부 입학


매년 가을학기(9월), 겨울학기(1월), 봄학기(5월), 전공별 입학 시기가 다름

숙소 옵션

홈스테이, 기숙사

*2024 Updated

학교 기본 정보


Aboriginal Small Business Management Certificate - 251

Accessible Media Production - 390

Advanced Police Studies - 226

Advanced Security Management - 174

Advertising and Marketing Communications Management - 652Available to International

Analytics for Business Decision Making - 386

Animation 3D - 373Available to International

Applied Music (Bass) - 986Available to International

Applied Music (Classical Piano) - 981Available to International

Applied Music (Classical Strings & Guitar) - 976Available to International

Applied Music (Classical Voice) - 983Available to International

Applied Music (Classical Winds & Brass) - 977Available to International

Applied Music (Contemporary Brass & Winds) - 979Available to International Applied Music (Contemporary Guitar) - 980Available to International Applied Music (Contemporary Piano) - 982Available to International Applied Music (Contemporary Voice) - 984Available to International Applied Music (Drums & Percussion) - 978Available to International Applied Music (Other) - 985Available to International

Applied Music - 660Available to International

Applied Music Preparatory - 105

Architectural Technician - 420Available to International Architectural Technology - 531 Available to

International Art and Design Foundations - 270Available to International Augmented and Virtual Reality Innovation Certificate - 654 Autism and Behavioural Science - 164Available to International Auto Body & Collision Damage Repairer - 310B

Automotive Service Educational Program (A.S.E.P.) - 310L

Automotive Service Technician - 310S

Aviation Technician - Aircraft Maintenance - 269Available to International Aviation Technician - Aircraft Structures - 289Available to International Bachelor of Technology Partnership: Combined Degree/Diploma Program Bachelor of Technology Partnership: Degree Completion Program Biotechnology (Health) - 370 - 670Available to International Biotechnology - 369-669Available to International

Biotechnology - Advanced - 671

Brain Disorders Management - 470Available to International

Broadcasting - Radio - 220Available to International

Broadcasting - Television and Communications Media - 651Available to International

Business (General) - 320Available to International

Business - Accounting - 316-356Available to International

Business - Financial Services - 303Available to International

Business - Marketing - 319Available to International

Business Administration - 632Available to International

Business Administration - Accounting - 364

Business Administration - Human Resources - 363

Business Administration - Marketing - 362 - 366Available to International

Business Analysis - 334Available to International

Canadian Health Care for Foreign Trained Professionals (International Only) - 993Available to International Cardiovascular Technology - 728

Career Pathways - 361

Chemical Engineering Technology - 533Available to International

Child and Youth Care - 612Available to International

Child and Youth Worker - 620A

Child Development Practitioner - 620C

Civil Engineering Technician - 421Available to International

Civil Engineering Technology - 534Available to International

Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation - 524Available to International Communications Media Practices - 266Available to International

Community and Justice Services - 286 - 288Available to International

Community and Social Services Management - 987

Community Integration through Co-operative Education (CICE) - 284

Community Pharmacy Assistant - 796

Computer Engineering Technician - 583Available to International

Computer Engineering Technician - Mechatronic Systems - 563Available to International Computer

Engineering Technology - 552Available to International

Computer Engineering Technology - Mechatronic Systems - 562Available to International Computer Systems Technician - Network Systems - 447-455Available to International Computer Systems Technician - Software Support - 548 - 558Available to International Computer Systems Technology - Network Engineering and Security Analyst - 555Available to International Computer Systems Technology - Software Development - 559Available to International

Concurrent Disorders - 252Available to International

Construction Engineering Technician - 451

Construction Engineering Technician - Building Renovation - 462

Creative Arts Business - 387Available to International

Cyber Security Analytics - 557

Developmental Service Worker - 620D

Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography - 717

Diploma RPN to BSCN Degree - 755

Early Childhood Education (Intensive) - 263

Early Childhood Education - 213Available to International

Educational Support (Intensive) - 997Available to International

Educational Support - 747Available to International

Electrical Engineering Technician - Power - 403 - 433Available to International

Electrical Engineering Technology - 582Available to International

Electrician (Construction and Maintenance) - 309A

Energy Systems Engineering Technology - 360Available to International Environmental Technician - 453-463Available to International Expressive Arts - 391

Gas and Oil Burner Technician 2 - 049

General Arts and Science (College Transfer) - 230Available to International General Arts and Science (University Transfer) - 208Available to International General Arts and Science - English for Academic Purposes (Domestic) - 278

General Arts and Science - English for Academic Purposes (International) - 478Available to International General Carpenter - 403A

General Machinist - 429A

Global Business Management (International Only) - 967Available to International

Global Business Management - Family Enterprise (International Only) - 970Available to International Graphic Design - 508Available to International

Health, Wellness and Fitness - 268Available to International

Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Techniques - 180

Horticulture Technician - 441C

Human Resources Management - 113Available to International Human Services Foundation - 276

Industrial Electrician - 442A

Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) - 433A

Instrumentation and Control - 447A

Insurance - 318 - 368Available to International

International Business Management - 116Available to International

Journalism - 297Available to International

Manufacturing Engineering Technician - Automation (Industrial Mechanic Millwright) - 413-473Available to International Manufacturing Techniques - 115

Massage Therapy - 469Available to International

Mechanical Engineering Technology - 529Available to International

Mechanical Techniques (Advanced Manufacturing Operations) - 568

Mechanical Techniques (Cabinetry) - 579

Mechanical Techniques (Electrical Monitoring & Systems) - 573

Mechanical Techniques (Manufacturing Processes) - 575

Mechanical Techniques (Plumbing) - 576

Mechanical Techniques (Production Framer) - 577

Mechanical Techniques (Welding and Fabrication) - 574

Medical Radiation Sciences - 729

Mental Health and Disability Management - 475Available to International

Metal Fabricator (Fitter) - 437A

Motive Power Fundamentals - 187Available to International

Motive Power Technician - 446Available to International

Multimedia Storytelling - 388

Nursing (BSCN) - 731

Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant - 746Available to International

Office Administration - Executive - 327Available to International

Office Administration - General - 380Available to International

Office Administration - Health Services - 335Available to International

Office Administration - Legal - 328Available to International

Paralegal - 285Available to International

Personal Support Worker - 110Available to International

Pharmacy Technician - 407Available to International

Photography - Still and Motion - 378Available to International Plumber - 306A

Police Foundations - 218-258

Power Engineering Techniques - 3rd Class - 348

Power Engineering Techniques - 482Available to International

Practical Nursing (PSW to PN Bridging Stream) - 758

Practical Nursing and Practical Nursing with Aboriginal Communities - 715

Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees - 339

Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas - 340

Pre-Justice- 250

Pre-Media and Entertainment - 194

Pre-Technology - 168Available to International

Protection, Security and Investigation - 293 - 294Available to International

Public Relations - 166Available to International

Quality Engineering Technician - Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) - 439 - 436Available to International Recreation Therapy (Intensive) - 963

Recreation Therapy - 283Available to International

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems Mechanic - 313A

Sheet Metal Worker - 308A

Small Business and Entrepreneurship - 179Available to International

Social Service Worker (Intensive) - 955

Social Service Worker - 215Available to International

Steamfitter - 307A

Supply Chain Management - 385Available to International

Tourism - 964Available to International

Truck and Coach Technician - 310T

Urban and Regional Planning Technician - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - 406 Utilities Systems Operator - 486

Virtual Reality Multimedia Production - 656

Welder - 456A

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